I realize I once again have failed to keep up with consistent posts. This blog stuff is harder than I thought. My work load has been tremendous, and I've also suffered some very hurtful losses in previous months; including one of my very best friends. As you can imagine, having that pain to deal with has made writing about dark and creepy things a lot less appealing. I'm normally fascinated by death, and the grieving process, but when it happens to me it's not so interesting. It's more of a pain in the ass. All my previous ideas surrounding death have been challenged, and now, as someone without a religious belief system, I struggle to make sense of things. Lately I just can't, and I'm more likely to nap than attempt to analyze what's happened. Sleep has been my saviour. In my spare time, which is minimal at best, I try to keep myself occupied. I have come up with a few ideas to aid me in my struggle with my losses, and I believe they're very positive and productive ideas. I don't have much time to embark upon them yet, but I will in a few months time. For now I'm attempting to rebuild my wardrobe. I've been wanting more sort of goth clothing, so I've been planning some sewing projects. I'm not really gothic to be honest, I just like certain styles, and incorporate them into my wardrobe. When I think of my style, I don't think of an exact label, I just think of me. I think that's how everybody's wardrobe should be. It shouldn't be "Goth" or "Jock" or "Prep;" it should just be you. I hate stereotypes...what's more, I hate people who enjoy embodying stereotypes...I just feel those types of people epitomize what it is to be pathetic. So in future time I'll be creating a few random garments, and possibly posting them on here.
In other news, I've got cable again. I normally don't watch tv, but I've taken to the show Oddities. If you haven't seen it, it's about a half hour long and about obscure antiques. I love weird antiques, but am unfortunately in an area where you don't see many. I've considered traveling to NY to visit Obscura, but now that's it has a tv spot, I'm wondering just how out of control their clientele is. I've always wondered about reality tv when it concerns a business. So much of it is staged. I had read a comment left on their blog, and someone pointed out that in every episode they're wearing the same clothing. I hadn't noticed before. Was it shot in a day? The people often come in with over the top accents, and behaviour. I've known some kooky people, but much of what I see on the show seems too over the top...like they've been paid to act that way. I seriously hate "reality" tv to the very core; the only reason I'm watching this show is to get inspired. If the antiques are legit, I know what to look for when I go shopping. If they aren't, which is sad, I at least can be inspired when creating Halloween props. I would love to get some crazy looking specimen jars. My dream is to have a house like the Addams family (the original...not the puke they made in the 90s show from Bravo). I like that eccentric museum look they had going on. If I find anything really weird, guaranteed it will be posted on here. The last thing I had found, which I'll be posting about shortly is a vintage Ouija Board. The post is long overdue. I was gonna touch base with a few beliefs surrounding the board, a history, so forth. It'll be an interesting read. So look forward to it! I will do my best to try and update, but obviously life does have to take priority, so I can't make promises. All the best.
-Sugar Skull
ALSO: Please ignore any hidden links in my entry, this is some feature that I'm not happy to see. I don't know if this bullshit is courtesy of Blogger, or it's some kind of virus they haven't worked through, but the links are just spam. So avoid them. If I link something I will say it is a legit link.