In other news, I've got cable again. I normally don't watch tv, but I've taken to the show Oddities. If you haven't seen it, it's about a half hour long and about obscure antiques. I love weird antiques, but am unfortunately in an area where you don't see many. I've considered traveling to NY to visit Obscura, but now that's it has a tv spot, I'm wondering just how out of control their clientele is. I've always wondered about reality tv when it concerns a business. So much of it is staged. I had read a comment left on their blog, and someone pointed out that in every episode they're wearing the same clothing. I hadn't noticed before. Was it shot in a day? The people often come in with over the top accents, and behaviour. I've known some kooky people, but much of what I see on the show seems too over the they've been paid to act that way. I seriously hate "reality" tv to the very core; the only reason I'm watching this show is to get inspired. If the antiques are legit, I know what to look for when I go shopping. If they aren't, which is sad, I at least can be inspired when creating Halloween props. I would love to get some crazy looking specimen jars. My dream is to have a house like the Addams family (the original...not the puke they made in the 90s show from Bravo). I like that eccentric museum look they had going on. If I find anything really weird, guaranteed it will be posted on here. The last thing I had found, which I'll be posting about shortly is a vintage Ouija Board. The post is long overdue. I was gonna touch base with a few beliefs surrounding the board, a history, so forth. It'll be an interesting read. So look forward to it! I will do my best to try and update, but obviously life does have to take priority, so I can't make promises.
All the best.
-Sugar Skull
ALSO: Please ignore any hidden links in my entry, this is some feature that I'm not happy to see. I don't know if this bullshit is courtesy of Blogger, or it's some kind of virus they haven't worked through, but the links are just spam. So avoid them. If I link something I will say it is a legit link.